$144.00 USD

Every year

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Carly and Adam's STEM Teachers Club

You Get it All!

Download Your FREE February 2025 STEM Planning Guide

  • 30 Hours of Professional Development a year
  • K-5 NGSS Aligned STEM Challenges (every NGSS Standard)
  • Social Emotional Learning STEM Challenges (Self Awareness, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision-Making, and Self-Management)
  • Read Aloud STEM Challenges
  • Family STEM Nights
  • STEM Centers
  • Creativity Challenges
  • Classroom Decor
  • First Week of School Lesson Plans
  • First Month of STEM Lessons ($50 Value)
  • Access to STEM Teacher Summits 
  • Exclusive Online Community
  • New Lessons Added Every Month ($30 Value)! 
  • Cancel Anytime

This is the most affordable way to get all of Carly and Adam's STEM Lessons!

 If you would like a purchase order, please email [email protected].

What People Are Saying:

I'm new to the STEM world, and your resources help me feel like I've been here forever. I don't feel lost, and I have a community. I plan on using these resources for years to come.

Nicole M.

Joining the STEM club has been one of the best professional decisions I've made this year. I've learned so much about STEM. I've gained confidence in my ability to create meaningful and challenging experiences for my students, and I feel connected and supported by creative, and generous educators.

Maria RB

I am the only Gifted Educator in my district and pretty much the only educator in the district consistently using STEM. This membership has put resources directly into my hands that I can immediately turn around and use. It has also connected me to a tribe of educators and innovators who are always willing to share thoughts, advice and resources. I know I have gotten way more out of the membership this year than I have paid.

Candace C

The STEM Membership club is a great community to grow and share ideas. I started with the club and have gained a great amount of confidence teaching STEM in my classroom. The information I have gained from this community has been an amazing addition to my current curriculum. Each month has a new and relevant topic I can research and work at my own pace. Each time I have come away with at least one new and exciting idea that I can add to my classroom.

Jennifer C

The STEM teachers club has been so inspiring and has given me lots of ideas to use in my kindergarten classroom. I love the book studies and Carly and Adam are so personable and fun. I can truly say that this club has taught me how to be a better teacher! Thank you Carly and Adam.

Susan S